Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Almost Famous!

Matilda Movie Star!

Not quite a contender for a Best Foreign Film Oscar but it is my mummy's directorial debut!

Dress Appropriately!

It's been very cold this month, we even had some snow as my movie about making snowmen showed. So, you have to wear warm clothes and that's why I wear this dress made from Icelandic wool that Amma knitted for me. I've had it for more than a year but it still fits.

Ballet Belles!

This is a photo of me and my fellow ballerinas at our ballet class. I go once a week and have so much fun.

Icelandic Christmas in Sweden!

We went to Sweden to celebrate Christmas with my Amma and Afi and auntie Linda. We always eat Icelandic food such as specially imported lamb and smoked meat and drink malt and appelsin. I always have a nice time, especially playing with Depill the dog and eating Amma's homemade cookies and ice-cream. My cousins Amanda and Emma and uncle Steinni came down to stay with us for a few days and it was fun to play with them.

Drama Queen!

Here is a photo of me in costume for my first big dramatic production! Well, of course I'm good at staging quite a few little dramas even on a daily basis and my mum sometin=mes says I'm a drama queen but this was my first professional role for the Christmas play at my nursery school.