Sunday, November 7, 2010

Down On The Farm...

On a beautiful Autumn sunday morning, with the trees all russet and gold, my mummy and daddy took me to Cholderton Charlie's Rare Breeds Farm. We were able to feed the pigs and goats and ducks and sheep as well as visit the bunnies and chickens. I saw some "shorsheys" or horses as big people call them and I played in an indoor playground with a huge slide and climbing frames. It was really, really fun and I hope I can go back again soon. Here is a picture of my mummy at the farm - she is the one on the right wearing the black hat!


Last Friday, November 5th, was Guy Fawkes Night in England. Its when we celebrate the failed attempt by a man of that name to blow up the Houses of Parliament, several hundred years ago. We went to a bonfire and fireworks display at my cousin Josh and Harry's school, just as we did last year. It was very noisy with all those bangs and cracks of fireworks exploding in the night sky, showering the heavens with brightly coloured sparks - but it was fun and I even held my own sparklers.