I'm in England now, with my mummy, visiting grandma and granddad and I'm having so much fun. We've been feeding the ducks with bread - yes they have ducks in England too - and I've been playing a lot with grandma, granddad and auntie Linda. Unfortunately, we had to take Linda home this evening because she has to work tomorrow. Well... it was fun while it lasted.
I don't know who's more tired in the evenings, me or grandma? She chases me all day long and gives me a push on a little car they have for me. And granddad is always trying to smuggle me some goodies when mummy isn't around. Anyway it is wonderful to be the centre of attention...
One thing is missing though and that's my daddy. He's in Belarus with the U-19 Iceland women's team playing in the UEFA final tournament. They drew their first game against Norway today 0-0.
I miss you daddy and I love you from the heart of my bottom...good night y'all!