Friday, July 17, 2009

The little helper...

I had a busy day today. I started early in the morning you know the usual thing, checked if the "bar" was open (which it was), had some porridge, played with mummy and had my morning nap. After my nap mummy, granddad and I went to Winchester for lunch, that was really nice. We came home, I had my afternoon nap and after that I was full of energy again.
I was helping grandma with the dishes and the dinner. It got a little bit messy but hey, people have to notice when you are in the kitchen... I cooked fish, potatoes and vegetables, delicious if you ask me... To top it all off, granddad gave me some icecream, yummie in the tummy! Spoke to my daddy on skype, who I miss so much, before I crashed into my bed...good night!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hej Matilda va stor du har blivet och fått mycket hår det måste vara jåtte roligt att vara hos farfar och farmor jag saknar dig och snart fyller du ett år synd att amma kan inte fira med dig. puss och kram amma och afi