Friday, October 31, 2008

Front page news...

Yep, that's me on the front page of national newspaper, Morgunbladid, yesterday. At least, that's my pram with me in it catching 40 winks while the big people clear the snow off the pitch. 
Evidently, fame comes to some early in life! Don't worry, it won't change me!
Thanks to the efforts of mum and the others, the game I told you about in my previous post went ahead and the Icelandic girls beat Ireland 3-0 to go through to the European Championship in Finland next summer.  
Mum and dad took me to the game but I slept through the first 85 minutes - but at least I can say I was there.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Busy busy busy...

Hello everybody!

It's been two busy days, so I haven't had time to write.

Let's start with the morning me and mummy walked all the way to her work. That is, mummy did all the walking while I was sleeping. Anyway, I met a lot of people at mum's work, some nice old ladies and nice old men. Then my dad took me out for lunch while mum went to the hairdresser. She came out nice!
In the afternoon, after my nap, mummy and I went to visit Odda and her family. It's always nice to visit Odda, I just love that family. We came home around 8pm and boy was I tired. Then my dad came home and of course I had to say hello to I didn't hit the sack until late - around 21.30.

Today we went down to Laugardalsvöllur to help them clear the snow off the football pitch, well I was sleeping as usual but mummy did a very good job (the womens national team are going to play against Ireland tomorrow, they are trying to qualify for the finals of the European Championship in Finland next summer). Would you believe it, I woke up with poop all over my back! That's a real bummer, I can tell you. In the evening my mum treated my cradle cap which is like having a bad case of dandruff stuck to your scalp. She was, shall we say, quite thorough with the comb - leaving me wondering if I had any hair left! Then I had a bath. That was nice...but my mum tricked me because I got really tired while she fed me....zzzz

Monday, October 27, 2008

Uncle Jon's Cabin

On Saturday mum and dad said we would be going to Jonsi and GG's summer house. Last time I looked, it was winter! So I wasn't too sure about this summer house business. Anyway, not that I had much choice in the matter. You don't when you are three months old. Generally, you are at the whim of your parents. I mean, tonight they wanted to go and eat at IKEA - they wanted some Swedish meat balls so that meant I had to go as well. I'm a vegetarian at this point, or more to the point a milk drinker so I had no desire to go there and watch them eat. But what can you do? Of course I tried to protest when they bundled me in the car seat but there's just something about me and cars, I just fall asleep so my protest kind of petered out like a damp firework. 
Anyway, so we drive out into the country to uncle Jonnie's summer house. It only takes 30 minutes or so which is a bit of a pisser actually because I was well into a good kip when I was rudely awoken and thrust out, still in my car seat, swinging into the cold and snow-laden surroundings of Uncle Jon's cabin. But I'll say one thing, at least it was cozy and warm as toast in there. And my friend Tryggvi was waiting for me with a big smile. Between you and me, I think that little guy is gonna be a bit of a ladykiller when he gets older (check out the picture of him in the bath - wooohoo!) 
Man, is he cute or what? Of course, his older brother is a real charmer and bundle of energy. His name is Arni Bjartur, although dad calls him "Bud Jonsson" which he doesn't seem all that convinced about. Their older sister Anna was also there and she's kinda cool, always doing something artistic. I must admit, we had a good time just relaxing (me and Tryggvi did quite a bit of that), everyone but me and Tryggvi drinking homemade hot chocolate, grilling lamb and fish and eating carrot cake for desert. I wasn't too thrilled with uncle Jon's choice of music though. Some old guy who sounded like an asthmatic frog by the name of Tom Waits, apparently.   

Friday, October 24, 2008

In your arms tonight...

It's now the time of year when the stars begin to inherit the day. 
The air is melancholy, the mountains shrouded, the sea in the bay whipped and the seagulls momentarily taken by sudden gusts in unintentional directions. Twilight is permanent, or so it seems. 
Late into the nights, facelit by a screen on which words etch one by one, some favourite photographs in frames, an old mug with something hot to drink. And a little girl falls fast asleep, her tiny hands clasped, safe in her mother's embrace.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Some much needed rest. All this talk of politics and recession is doing my head in. Apparently, mum says its people called "investment bankers" that are the problem. Dad said they should replace the b with a w. Mum said that was a naughty word and dad shouldn't say that in front of me. Then they put me in my bed way before I was ready...bankers!

Outside the snow is falling...


Today something amazing happened, something white fell down from the sky. It's snow, at least that's what my parents told me. My mum and I went for a walk this morning, it was a bumpy ride but I slept like a baby the whole time.

Went to the library for the first time and got some books. The library is a cool place. Other than that, I've been doing the usual things; sleeping, eating, pooping and playing. Actually, I watched my mum making lasagne...yummie. In fact, I got so hungry that I started chewing on my fingers, which is also a hobby of mine.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Vaccination day...

Today I had my first vaccination, whatever that is? All I know, is that it hurt and made me feel a bit sick in the afternoon. But let's back-up a few hours...

I woke up quite early this morning after a rather sleepless night -woke up at least 3 times. My mum fed me and than I played in my gym, so far everything was good. Around 9 when I thougt it was feeding time again and a nap, my mum took me to the doctor. I was hungry, tired and a little nervous -not a good combination! When my mum was putting me on the scale I peed on her, but she didn't get angry though...puh! Now I weigh 5604 g and I'm 61.5 cm long, a big girl. That wasn't all though because the doctor put a needle in my thigh and that did hurt. But, like the big girl I am, I didn't cry that much. Perhaps now I would be able to get my food and some sleep.

In the afternoon I played in the baby gym and all of a sudden I started crying a lot. Don't know why but I did for 20 minutes. In the end I fell asleep on mummy's chest and we both had a nap for 2 hours. That was really nice, soft and warm.

The time is about 19.10 and I'm really tired and feeling a bit drousy. Daddy just finished changing my nappy/diaper/bleyja - boy can I be messy! Mum is going to feed me and then I'm off to bed. I don't mind going early today.

Good night....

Monday, October 20, 2008


Hi everyone, not sure what language I should write in - probably best to stick to English as Grandma and Grandad in England don't know too much Icelandic, I think. Anyway, I thought I would begin by posting a picture of myself. Cute or what? Well that's what my mum and dad keep telling me and to be honest, they have a point, not that I am vain or anything. Dad used this picture for my passport - yeah, can you believe it, they make babies have passports that we keep until we are five years old! Now how is the immigration officer going to recognise me from this photo when I hit the big 5?  
Well, must go, mum has just told me it's bedtime. I always protest but it doesn't seem to get me anywhere - although sometimes I can squeeze a little extra time in front of the tv watching football, more often than not.