Today I had my first vaccination, whatever that is? All I know, is that it hurt and made me feel a bit sick in the afternoon. But let's back-up a few hours...
I woke up quite early this morning after a rather sleepless night -woke up at least 3 times. My mum fed me and than I played in my gym, so far everything was good. Around 9 when I thougt it was feeding time again and a nap, my mum took me to the doctor. I was hungry, tired and a little nervous -not a good combination! When my mum was putting me on the scale I peed on her, but she didn't get angry though...puh! Now I weigh 5604 g and I'm 61.5 cm long, a big girl. That wasn't all though because the doctor put a needle in my thigh and that did hurt. But, like the big girl I am, I didn't cry that much. Perhaps now I would be able to get my food and some sleep.
In the afternoon I played in the baby gym and all of a sudden I started crying a lot. Don't know why but I did for 20 minutes. In the end I fell asleep on mummy's chest and we both had a nap for 2 hours. That was really nice, soft and warm.
The time is about 19.10 and I'm really tired and feeling a bit drousy. Daddy just finished changing my nappy/diaper/bleyja - boy can I be messy! Mum is going to feed me and then I'm off to bed. I don't mind going early today.
Good night....
Tough day! You are so like your mum - food and sleep seem to be at the top of your list of priorities.
Sleep tight!
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