Monday, October 27, 2008

Uncle Jon's Cabin

On Saturday mum and dad said we would be going to Jonsi and GG's summer house. Last time I looked, it was winter! So I wasn't too sure about this summer house business. Anyway, not that I had much choice in the matter. You don't when you are three months old. Generally, you are at the whim of your parents. I mean, tonight they wanted to go and eat at IKEA - they wanted some Swedish meat balls so that meant I had to go as well. I'm a vegetarian at this point, or more to the point a milk drinker so I had no desire to go there and watch them eat. But what can you do? Of course I tried to protest when they bundled me in the car seat but there's just something about me and cars, I just fall asleep so my protest kind of petered out like a damp firework. 
Anyway, so we drive out into the country to uncle Jonnie's summer house. It only takes 30 minutes or so which is a bit of a pisser actually because I was well into a good kip when I was rudely awoken and thrust out, still in my car seat, swinging into the cold and snow-laden surroundings of Uncle Jon's cabin. But I'll say one thing, at least it was cozy and warm as toast in there. And my friend Tryggvi was waiting for me with a big smile. Between you and me, I think that little guy is gonna be a bit of a ladykiller when he gets older (check out the picture of him in the bath - wooohoo!) 
Man, is he cute or what? Of course, his older brother is a real charmer and bundle of energy. His name is Arni Bjartur, although dad calls him "Bud Jonsson" which he doesn't seem all that convinced about. Their older sister Anna was also there and she's kinda cool, always doing something artistic. I must admit, we had a good time just relaxing (me and Tryggvi did quite a bit of that), everyone but me and Tryggvi drinking homemade hot chocolate, grilling lamb and fish and eating carrot cake for desert. I wasn't too thrilled with uncle Jon's choice of music though. Some old guy who sounded like an asthmatic frog by the name of Tom Waits, apparently.   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hæ Matildur voða ertu fín i dressinu og það er nú bara hjónasvipur með þér og Tryggva hann er voða sætur líka.Puss och kram amma og afi.